
Wherever you go, there will always be breakfast. With this deep philosophy in mind I took it upon myself to note the varieties of deliciousness I’ve come across thus far. Of course, New York is famed, and I hear the Greeks and Indians know a thing or two, so once this blog yields its promised fortunes, I’ll be sure to keep you updated on fry-up fashions across the globe. *

From ladies who brunch to sausage dodgers, breakfast also brings with it the best in people watching: you can spot those still on their party pegs, the loved up couples sporting bed heads and each others’ clothes, busy mums with well-fed babes, scarf-bedecked groups on their way to an early match, solitary book readers seeking a quiet corner. What suits one may not suit the other, so there are things I like to mention:

Noise – music in the mornings is a big no-no for many; others want the buzz of last night’s party (and a Bloody Mary).

Size – the ‘full works’ depends on the country, the place, and the price. Not all will come with baked beans. I’m sorry, but it’s true.

Booze – “hairy dog” as my Polish friend calls it, IS breakfast for many a reveller. Others may just fancy a pint to wash down their bacon butty with.

* This particular breakfast blogger must admit to one thing – I am a self-confessed ovaphobe. Can’t stand the bloody things. However – rarely do I breakfast without a friend, who, in the interests of keeping his true superhero identity a secret for a little while longer, shall thus be known as the Egg Poacher.

One response to “About

  1. ruddy brilliant blog you got goin’ on…

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